Thursday, April 8, 2010

The World's Tallest Building

Last week we talked about one of the oldest buildings, the Pantheon, but this week I am going to show you one of the newest buildings, and also the tallest, which was opened on January 1st, 2010. This building is the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa measures over 2,000 feet (2,716 feet), making it the largest manmade structure ever. The people of Dubai may have been impressed by the Burj Khalifa for the first couple months, but by now the people of Dubai are accustomed to seeing great architecture in their city.

I sometime in the future want to visit a structure of such grandeur, but any day, it can be outdone by any other building, such as the one that they are planning on building in Dubai, which is going to be even bigger that the Burj Khalifa. The Burj Khalifa is open to the public on the observation deck on the 124th floor, but the tickets are expensive, ranging from $27 to $100 depending the time you buy them. Knowing what the tallest building in the world is, I ask myself, what was the tallest building before this one, and that is what I will show next week, the Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Burj Khalifa(n.d.) Real estate expedition. Retrieved April 8, 2010, from

Post, N. (2010, January 18) Dubai supertower is ‘supercensored’. Engineering News Record. Retreived March 18, 2010, from the Associates Programs Source database.

1 comment:

  1. This is cool! I didn't know this was actually the newest and tallest! :) Nice info
